Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This airport beats most hotels!

If all airports offered these amenities, hotels could become obsolete and traveling could truly be relaxing from start to finish!
Note: There is also a prayer room, playground, Hello Kitty themed breast feeding room (with matching pay phones), garden, internet center and more at this cushy airport in Taiwan.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Now stuck in the middle of a typhoon in the Philippines... of course, of course, many of you are not surprised I'm sure! Chaos, calamity, non-stop adventure, welcome to my world. 
Aside from trying to avoid being swept away by this torrential storm, I'm not sure what to think... My first impressions of this place are a bit jumbled. Where to go, what to do now, mmhhh???
Despues de una parada en Taiwan, estoy atrapado en Las Filipinas en medio de una tormenta grande. Ay!
Asia I'm back! After not sleeping for 31 hrs, then sitting next to a germ spreading, screaming baby on my flight for 13 hrs & now finding myself stuck in Taiwan for 10+ hrs, I deserve the patience award! But considering I nabbed this flight for free, I guess I can't complain! Now off to work on my Chinese & figure out what to do in my next stop, Manila... (suggestions appreciated) =) — at 臺灣桃園國際機場第一航廈 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 1.